flux |fləks|
-a substance mixed with a solid to lower its melting point, used esp. in soldering and brazing metals
-the action or process of flowing
-continuous change
Regardless, I hate flux. Flux is purgatory. I am not flux. I am steel. And not the good definition of steel either. (see below)
steel |stēl|
a hard, strong, gray or bluish-gray alloy of iron with carbon and usually other elements, used extensively as a structural and fabricating material.
• used as a symbol or embodiment of strength and firmness
verb [ trans. ]
mentally prepare (oneself) to do or face something difficult
The unbending, inflexible, stand-up-straight, no-room-for-flow definition. That is me.
In fact, and possibly more accurately: I am rebar. (see below)
rebar |ˈrēˌbär|
a steel reinforcing rod in concrete
I am so far from flux that I am rebar!
Hey! I should know. My dad's a mason. (note the lowercase "m" and see below)
mason |ˈmāsən|
1 a builder and worker in stone.
2 ( Mason) a Freemason.
Sorry. That's just where I am today: I am rebar living in California! Yeah, I moved here. Yeah, it was a choice. I get that. Rebar is never gonna flow. Add all the flux you like.
I'll keep you posted.