Get a job......................... Check!
Become a Resident.......... Check!
Those last two took a little longer than expected.
It was just too much to think about setting down roots, even little ones (in shifty sand no less) any sooner than securing a "real job".
See?... I'm only HALF crazy. Moving to California without a job or any real reason was the half crazy part of the plan, but there was a plan which was the half sane part.
Or maybe I'm half crazy with commitment issues???? That doesn't bode well....
Anyway, I'm sure that, to date, this blog would not have been half as interesting had things been any different. And I'm sure there's more to come. It's me after all.
So yeah, as someone put it, I drank the Kool-Aid; I transferred the Jeep and myself this past week.
I was most nervous about The Smog test, damn California Emissions... but we passed on the first attempt. Which is more than I can say for myself and the written test! Given the caliber of California driving I have witnessed so far AND that I have been a licensed driver for 15 years I thought I was golden. But no, they make you take the written test. And I had to take it twice. For all that, who knew changing the license plates would turn out to be the most difficult part? Dad really likes his socket wrench. Nuts, bolts, and washers! I had to go to the bike shop and borrow 'Lu's tools. It was comical how long I spent trying to get that front Jersey plate off. But I did it myself.
I also started full time at The Mktg Co this week as their Director of Development. Whatever that means. It's been TWO years since I had a ""normal" 9-5 office job". Yikes! At least the weather did me a favor and rained this week. And I'm as excited as one who is in up to her ears can be! I am planning a minimum of two brand new events, one in Brooklyn mid-April and one in Eugene, OR end of August. So mark your calendars and take up multisport!
God knows, it's been all consuming... and it's not about to let up. Which is why it's taken me so long to break the news.
I'll keep you posted.