So we’re about 4 days into 2011 and I get a text message at the crack of West Coast Dawn from Melissa Sue:
“So on TV they said January 17 is the saddest day of the year! Can you believe it?”
It is my day off.
I am still snuggled in bed.
OK, well actually if I remember correctly, I have snuggled BACK into bed. I was rudely awakened before 7 by the shockingly prompt driveway demolition crew out front. Nonetheless, I am mystified that January 17th, The Day of the Heavyweight, could be the saddest day. Clearly, they have not included Gma Rose in this survey. I reply:
“What?! Why??? That’s depressing...”
Melissa Sue:
“That is when Winter Blues sets in. On Regis & Kelly this A.M.”
OF COURSE. Regis & Kelly. Winter Blues. East Coast. All flash through my head. I text:
“Ugh. Well, great just great. (<- One of my favorite Stu-isms. It always makes me smile.) Now I might be sad.”
“I mean I’m gonna be 31! Isn’t that sad enough???”
Melissa Sue:
“Haha. I don’t know how they get that data though. Sounds a little weird to me. Happy New Year old lady!”
So now, fast forward to January 17th:
Projected weather 75 and SUNNY./ None.
It’s a HOLIDAY./ I have to work.
It IS my birthday./ I am OVER thirty!!
There will probably (hopefully) be cake./ None. (Unless there isn't any cake.)
Pros 2
Cons 2
Looks like it's too soon to tell...
I’ll keep you posted.
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