If only I were having the wild good time that that sounds indicative of... it does sound like one hell of a retail concept though.... or the Harley Rendezvous Dad & Mr. B just went to...
Anyway. My "holiday weekend" has gone a little something like this,
- Work at The Cafe
- Walk Scout
- Take nap
- Go to bed
- Wake up at 7:15 to go to church at 8 before my cafe shift at 9:30. Discover the dog has pissed in my work bag. Yep. The one with all the triathlon files in it. Awesome.
- Mop up mess.
- Go to church.
- Work at cafe: I had a table of 8 that handed me six credit cards and two different cash amounts. No, no, no. So I have to split the check into 8 separate tabs. OK, fine. Half way through the split one of the guys comes to tell me, "but we've just decided we want to order coffees as well.". Holy hell, Batman. O-kaaaay. So back I go to take their coffee order. AND THEN divide the check into eight separate tabs.
- Starving when I got home from work, I wanted french toast and eggs. But the milk had gone south. Way south. Like to Mexico. So I borrowed some from the neighbors.
- I decided to go to Marshall's to try to replace the world's best travel coffee mug that smashed to bits at Scout's this week. No luck. But I did buy some picture frames and a size XL skirt on clearance for $7 because it was JUST SO CUTE. (Who does that?).
- But my Target order takes the cake, I bought: beer, two bras, butter, popsicles, and a can opener. I got some second glances from the guys looking for the Garden Center (P.S. Guys, There isn't one).
- Was hoping Scott (not Scout) would take me for a bike ride (read: teach me how to ride a road bike) this morning. But trail running won the vote. The last time we went for a trail run Scott nearly killed us. And I was in much better shape then. So no riding or running. Scout and I went for a walk (read: I dragged him around town because he has decided he doesn't like walks.)
- Currently, (listening to country music: "Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey Whiskey makes my baby feel a little frisky".) working on the previously mentioned triathlon. Because it's not gonna plan itself and it's only 56 days away! (YIKES!) But at least I get to work poolside at Scout's.
- Going to a BBQ in Long Beach tonight. Probably gonna take Vakay Surprise again. And the previously mentioned beer.
I hope there's fireworks! I'm a sucker for fireworks.

I'll keep ya posted.
Happy 4th of July, everybody!
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