So I wasn't going to "blog", but since ATT hasn't come up with a plan yet that will allow me to regale you individually and without penalty here we are. Besides most of you asked for it so blame yourselves...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Friends in (Mile) High Places

"Vakay Surprise"

I was super-excited to be invited to a Last Minute BBQ Saturday. Everyone was asked to bring a side dish to share and on Friday The Planners asked us to 'Reply All' with our dish so that there weren't five potato salads. I admire their organization and I'm all for planning (and potato salad) but I wasn't the least bit prepared. So my response was, Vakay Surprise.

Come Saturday, I must have been channeling my inner-Martha...


...watermelon, feta & mint salad.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blast from the Past

In my last life, this is what I did...

...I can't believe these are still around. How many years ago, six?
These days it's only good for a smile but I wonder if the novelty (pun intended for those who'll get it) of walking down the street and seeing your design in the window ever wears off? Hope not...

I'll keep you posted.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Fish Out of Water

Maybe all I'm doing here is trying to swim upstream. Feels like it.
And if you've seen me swim, you know that's more than the average challenge. Sh*t... maybe I really should just go home.