I was invited to Coffee with the Cat Ladies on Monday.
Nancy and Debbie (aka Certifiably Crazy Debbie) who are my immediate (same building) neighbors apparently have coffee out back at Nancy's place most mornings. They've invited me in the past but I've never actually ventured out. On Monday I took the garbage out without thinking and walked right past their little klatch. How could I say no? So I grabbed my own mug (there's only so much I'm willing to risk) and sat awhile.
I found out that there are actually MANY more cats associated with my apartment building than I initially realized. Nancy and Debbie each have THREE, Jennifer (who was the previous occupant of my unit and now lives in the adjoining house but who was not present) has two Chihuahuas and at least one cat. Its like living at Domestic Animal Kingdom! Present at coffee were: Zena (like the Warrior Princess), Alexander, Ollie, and Kimani.
Debbie, admittedly hard of hearing, asked me if she was too loud (YES!!!!!!!) and told me she just can't help herself she "loves her kitties so much and talks and sings to them all the time". (Yes, yes I know.) ALSO, Debbie gave me one of her business cards (at Nancy's suggestion) so that I could call her if she is being too loud. What is her business you ask? She is, "Debbie of Seal Beach" Hair Cutting & Styling. I was laughing hysterically (inside) because I am in DIRE need of a trim! But so is Debbie.
They asked me if I would go to the beach with them when it is Summer.
Also noteworthy....
...around town...
The lady who sat down at the computer carrel next to mine today at the library put on sunglasses ala Jordie on Startrek and surgical gloves (SNAP!) prior to logging into her session. Sadly, there was no discreet way to take a photograph with the iPhone. I am so sorry you missed it.
While waiting for my library computer session to begin I picked up a back issue of People. (Who DOESN'T love People???) In one of the articles a woman mentioned her dog, Benzo, as in benzodiazepine! (Which she incorrectly called an anti-depressant. It's a depressant.) I found this BRILLIANT and HYSTERICAL (I burst out laughing at the library.). I'm not wild about the name "Benzo" but I feel like I could go for "Xanax" and it's a palindrome to boot!
...on the homefront...
About three weeks ago Flavio The Gardener & Blinds Guy took measurements for my mini-blinds (At least they're not vertical! AND they're free.). When Dave The Maintenance Man was here on Monday I asked him if he knew when Flavio might be bringing the blinds. Dave got back to me today saying, (he) "spoke with Flavio and Flavio misplaced all the measurements so when he went to make the blinds he couldn't and that's what happened."
Now, I realize I am not a paying customer so my minis might get pushed down the list, BUT if I were the Flavio in this situation I think I would have called or come by to take new measurements before 3 weeks went by. AND, let's face it: Flavio STILL wouldn't have the measurements if I hadn't inquired. LAID BACK is an UNDERSTATEMENT. There is absolutely ZERO follow through/follow up here. It's a State of Yes-men.
BUT I love it.
I feel like I should state this point blank. Given most of my blogs are about random, ridiculous, often unfortunate experiences I am worried that those of you who don't know me very well will think I am a horribly negative "Debbie Downer" (not to be confused with "Certifiably Crazy Debbie") who is crabby despite living beachside (Crabby. Beachside. Pun intended!) under palm trees and all of this Vitamin D. Those of you who do know me very well are thinking, but you ARE actually all of those things. :-) I know it but I also try and find the funny in all the crap because laughing at it somehow makes it better. And THAT's why you love me. I hope you're laughing as much as I am.
I'll keep you posted.
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