I can't stop laughing. It's just too funny.
What a day.
Earlier this week I registered (online of course) with a Temp/Staffing agency. In order to complete the registration candidates must go into the local office for an interview and "testing". At the end of the online session it said someone from the local office would contact me to confirm the date/time I submitted for the "in person" portion. Great.
After two days and no confirmation I placed a follow-up phone call and was given a 10AM appointment for today. In turn I put in a request with Mom for an early AM wake up call. She called. We spoke. I did NOT get up.
Thank goodness for Bridget! She called at 9:41 and had me LEAPING out of bed. I actually made it to the appointment! Of course there was no time for coffee or breakfast. By the time I filled out the first forms I could feel the caffeine headache setting in. Dependency's a b-otch.
Has finding a job always been this absurd?
It's like being a contestant on a game show or pageant except without the consolation prizes. (Or PLINKO, I loved PLINKO)
No Whammy! No Whammy! No Whammy!
First, I filled out the forms.
Next, I was put in this awful, recycled-air, drab little computer room for testing, a battery of aptitude tests:
_Basic skills: math, grammar, punctuation
_Data Entry
I think the real test was not losing my mind in that awful little room with those dumbed-down little tests. I'm not gonna lie, it was touch-and-go. I had this overwhelming sense of feeling trapped and at least one close-to-panic moment that made me think, this is how people who are claustrophobic must feel. I've developed an aversion to corporate office space.
It was two hours worth of testing. Afterwards, I met with three different women: Catherine/Temp, Joyce/Temp-to-Perm, and April/some sort of regional manger. I have to admit that, while the tests were terrible, each of the women was very nice to speak with... of course, that is their job.
When it was over I practically ran from the building. Coffee. STARBUCKS.
My original plan for the day was to go to the appointment and then hit The Ralph's (grocery store) across the highway. There is a Starbucks in the same shopping plaza. I got there, ordered my Venti Soy Misto Easy Foam and realized I DIDN'T HAVE MY WALLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing. Nada. Zip. Not even the Baggie of Quarters from Mrs. Solfanelli. I am surely going to die if I do not have coffee! Screw Ralphs. Screw groceries. Screw my Target returns. I drove home and immediately brewed a pot of Maxwell House and INHALED a cheeseburger. I still have a headache but I don't feel quite so desperate.
I was home constructing my burger at 2PM. At 3:03PM April called to ask if I am available next Thursday at 10AM. (Let me just check my calendar. Yep. All clear.) She "liked the way I presented myself" and something about my "sales talent". She wants me to meet with the VP of Office Staffing for the Staffing Agency (No particular position, mind you.)! HAHAHAHA. She thinks I would be a good fit. After I hung up all I could do was shake my head and laugh. I went to the Staffing Agency to find a job and its the Staffing Agency that might actually want to hire me????? Too funny.
See? You never know unless you go. And today, if it weren't for Bridget I wouldn't have even managed that! Thanks again, Bridge.
I'll keep you posted.
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