After a front row seat to last night's late night domestic disturbance here at Ghetto Melrose Place, I got up and went to 8AM Mass. UNFORTUNATELY, the Knights of Columbus didn't do Coffee & Donuts this morning. That was a big let down. So I walked around the corner and bought myself an Old Fashioned. AND since I recognized a number of parishioners in Donut City, I'm apparently NOT the only person who finds the donut an added bonus to going to church on Sunday morning instead of Saturday evening. (Thankyouverymuch, Grandma Rose)
I went home to put my coffee on and was reminded that late yesterday I had discovered that my refrigerator is not refrigerating. The freezer is still frozen and the lights are on but the fridge isn't cold. This SUCKS for a number of reasons:
A) Mom arrives TOMORROW! A MAJORLY anticipated perk being Mom's cooking and bonus leftovers!
2) This is NOT going to be inexpensive to rectify. Never mind it's a royal PITA.
D) WHAT am I supposed to do with the food I have in there?
I had a small stress-induced meltdown on the phone with Heather (sorry Heather!). Then worked on tidying up the apt in preparation of Mom's visit.
I contacted Dave the Maintenance Man, but he confirmed my suspicions that the last tenant left the fridge and that its NOT part of my rental/lease agreement. He did give me the number for his Handyman Friend, Ron.
I called Ron. But he was at The Civil War Reenactment and couldn't talk. He told me to call back and leave a message and he'd get back to me this evening. Really? Anyone else? :: CIVIL WAR REENACTMENT????? CALIFORNIA????
I needed a cookie. (I JUST realized I had a donut AND a cookie today!) So I went over to The Cafe to see if any of The Locals had a recommendation for a handyman or a new refrigerator. At least I got a cookie.
I decided I should probably go for my run. The Schedule called for 7 miles. Ugh. While I was Gmapping a route Mr. D called to catch up. While I was on the phone with him another friend I haven't caught up with in ages called. After two enjoyable phone calls (and probably a little bit of a sugar high) 7 miles seemed doable so I set out on my run. I opted for a new southbound route and ended up running through this little community between Seal and Sunset Beach called Surfside. SO CUTE. I had a totally great run- I'm just starting to get back to 6 & 7 milers- I can't remember the last time my run felt that good.
When I got home I had a message from one of the girls at the cafe to see if I wanted to meet up with some people over on Main St. they were going to 320 for Local Night. The Natives among us claim the rest of us aren't Locals yet. Someone said we have to jump off The Pier to be locals which is funny because I was just contemplating the California alternative to BridgeRunning and I pretty much settled on PierRunning but it would need an extreme element so I decided jumping off The Pier would have to somehow be incorporated. These are the things I think about, I know.
Obviously, I went out. Walking home I realized it was the first time since I've been here that I did something like that. It was good. It was a good night. But now I better (try) and get to sleep. Picking Mom up at LAX in the AM. And I still need to figure out what the heck I'm gonna do about this stupid fridge....
I'll keep you posted.
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