So I wasn't going to "blog", but since ATT hasn't come up with a plan yet that will allow me to regale you individually and without penalty here we are. Besides most of you asked for it so blame yourselves...

Monday, February 15, 2010

So about this blog...

As I mention above, I wasn't going to blog. I don't really think I'm a "blogger". I shun Facebook. I like postcards and I'm sad that I have no idea what some of my friends' handwriting looks like! But here I am.

Some of you detail oriented people are gonna wonder "What is the meaning of "565" in the top left corner?" and "Does that microscopic text above the title say something?". Cheers to you! I am wondering the same thing. I'm using a template and there's no obvious way to change those that I can find. Since I don't write HTML I guess I'm stuck. Maybe we can start some rumors about what it stands for like, "k8's applied for 565 waitressing jobs since last Monday and hasn't gotten 1 phonecall back".

It's odd to be on this side of the 3-hour time difference. But the weather is nice. (See palm tree photo.) For all my mulling over of the iPhone and AT&T I once again failed to see the forest for the trees and can now either pay "$1million dollars" for a plan that is unlimited or I can call my friends on the East Coast between the hours of Midnight (EST) and 4AM (PST). Brilliant. Don't worry, 2 years will go by in a flash- Hey! maybe that's what the "565" stands for: "days left in k8's AT&T contract".

Well, I'm not finding a place to live or a job by writing this blog so I'm gonna go work on that. I miss you- well, I probably miss you but I can't be 100% sure who's actually reading this....

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