...I'll tell you what happened, the 8AM boat was reinstated as an 8:30AM boat. And I got on it. I have thrown up more in the month of February than in my
entire life possibly. Ugh.
I am seriously considering NOT being "a person of my word". "My word" keeps screwing me over.
So you're wondering WHY I was on a ferry in the Pacific with a Tsunami Warning in effect for the entire Pacific Basin.
Just the facts:
A) When I got up at 4:30AM, I was not aware that there WAS a Tsunami Warning in effect.
2) I gave "my word" I would help Alyse with the Buffalo Run.
D) I was up, I was dressed, I ventured out in the rain at 5AM, the ticket was bought.
The long story....
A couple of weeks ago Alyse asked me if I'd be interested in being a Course Marshall at the Buffalo Run (a 5K / half marathon) out on Catalina Island. At the time it sounded like a good idea, a nice way to spend a sunny Saturday on this Catalina Island I hear so much about. Plus, it would be a good way to network, meet other runners, maybe parlay it into a job... so I said I'd LOVE to do it. Absolutely. Count on me.
Of all the days last week it was going to rain on Saturday. And rain it did. Real rain this time- probably because I mocked it in my last post. What I also failed to realize until I was on the first (6:15) boat was that the Buffalo Run is a TRAIL RUN. 13.1 miles of MUD. Yay! My new sneakers were too white anyway.
So with an average amount of confusion and mix up in getting to the Ferry Terminal, I met Alex (for the FIRST TIME- keep this in mind) and we made the (6:15) boat. We departed on time but were turned back due to "turbulent water" (TSUNAMI!). An announcement was made that the 8AM boat might make it out so we waited. While we waited tsunami rumors started. An announcement was made that the 8AM boat was cancelled but the 10AM boat might get out. So we waited. The 8AM boat was reinstated as an 8:30AM boat so we got on. And that's when the fun started really.
Another "can't see the forest for the trees, Kate" experience. I had at least 3 completely valid opportunities to be "excused" for not showing up and did I take them, NO. This is the girl who got queasy on Epcot's World of Motion ride. And swore off cruises after a trip on Disney's Big Red Boat. WHY? was I on the ferry?
Alex (who I have known for approximately 2.5 hours) wanted to sit on the upper level. OK, fine. Not so fine. (Note to self: In "turbulent water" its better to sit lower.) It was like being on Space Mountain or one of those log flume rides. It was ridiculous. I put my head down and closed my eyes. I was HOPING they would turn us back again- right about this time the "Captain" announced that it looked like we'd keep going and that it could take as much as 2 hours. 2 HOURS! OH. MY. GOD. (Sorry, Chrissy.) Begin yoga breathing.
Next thing you know a ceiling panel next to us falls down. Then a few minutes later a girl comes over to us and says, "Um, you guys might want to move. The ceiling tile with the big speaker in it looks like its going to come down next." Seriously? If I pick my head up I am going to die. If I keep my head down apparently I might also die. Crud. So we get up to move and Alex suggests we head downstairs since we have to get up anyway. OK, yes let's try that.
I was actually astounded that I didn't get tossed overboard. Literally, the boat was bobbing up and down like a speedboat does on a lake with an a$$hole driver. I was holding onto whatever I could and making my way downstairs. The difference was noticeable but it was too late for me. I looked at Alex, said "I need to sit down right now." We sat at the closest table with two other people and I looked at Alex and said, "I'm going to throw up." And he handed me a bag. It was miserable. At some point I was like, "Can you get this piece of hair out of my face?" I DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found a greeting card once that said: "I make a really great second impression...most people don't know that." I should see if I can find it and send it to Alex.
The seasickness subsided and I just kept my head down for the rest of the ride. But all I could think was, "I have to go back."
Eventually, we made it to Catalina. The race was a whole other cringe-worthy story for those of us who like organization and "a plan". (To all my NY running friends, send NYRR a Thank You note- you have NO IDEA...) But I did manage to have some fun. I didn't have to stand in the mud, but we all got rained on. I Marshalled with Jess at 5-points which is the last intersection of the race. They don't stop traffic on the course- however, it's mostly golf carts. We were asked some fairly ridiculous questions. My favorite was asked by an elderly woman in a plastic covered golf cart: "Is there a reason you're standing out here?". Thinking up possible responses entertained us the rest of the afternoon.
Before I knew it it was time to get back on the boat. The guy sitting next to me and Alex had some Dramamine. I took one, put on my iPod and woke up in Long Beach. Picked up some Kraft Macaroni & Cheese on the way home, took a hot shower, and was in bed by 8PM.
ReplyDeleteI just found this post a comment feature!
...and now I find I'm at a loss for words.
I'll just say "YIKES"
I'm finally able to access the blog again! Hooray! Your vomit story reminds me of my vomit story in Hawaii. It is terrible and fortunately my "parents" i.e. 2 adults from NJ that reminded me of my parents, allowed me to vomit into their beach towel. Anyway, keep writing! Hope all is well and I'm so happy you found a place!!!